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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

One Small Step . . .

I'm a bit of an organization freak.  Most people who've seen my house might not believe this, but it's true.  I make my Menus a month to six weeks at a time, then make my grocery list weekly from my menus.  I have a master list of things I like to cook and I pull that out when planning my menus.  I have a menu for school year breakfasts, Monday through Friday, with variations from week to week.  I have a school year lunch menu - what I put in lunchboxes each school day, again, with variations noted.  I have a snack menu that I fill out for about 4 weeks at a time, planning out what the children can have everyday for their after-school snack.  I have a chore list for each of the children, a detailed daily morning and afternoon schedule for the boys (Deanna's exempt since she's proven she can schedule her own time quite well), and a clip on my fridge that holds Invitations, notes from teachers, carpool schedules for events . . . anything to which I might need to refer again.  Also posted on the fridge is my monthly schedule with appointments, after-school activities, evening commitments, and whatever else I need to do outside of the house.

So it should come as no surprise that I've perfected planning for a trip.  When our children were little, going out to dinner was such a hassle that we seldom ventured out.  The kids would get fussy, service might be slow and they'd start screaming from hunger or fatigue.  It was impossible to eat out and get them home in time for bed.  We adjusted our lifestyle accordingly, and there it has stayed.

We almost never eat out, even when on vacation.  I try to plan ONE night out while vacationing just so I don't have dinner preparations and clean-up.  But, the majority of the time, I'm in the kitchen preparing three meals a day while everyone else is relaxing, enjoying the pool or beach, etc.  I try hard to prepare as many meals in advance as possible and freeze them, making preparation minimal.  But there's still warming up, making side-dishes, and all the other preparation tasks that come with eating at home.

I start my planning process with a menu.  I plan breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each day we'l be gone, including snacks, desserts, beverages.  Then, from the menus, I put together a Master Food List.  This includes everything I need to make each of the items on the menu.  For instance, salt and pepper and butter would be on my Master Food List but not necessarily on my menu.  Once I have my master food list, I go through it and mark all the items I plan on taking from home.  Next, I transfer these items to a Kitchen Packing List so I can mark them off once they're packed.  The remaining items on my master list get transferred to a Grocery List and put in my purse so it's handy after we arrive at our destination.

This all may seem like a lot of work, but it's the only thing that keeps me sane.  Twice, when packing for trips, major problems have arisen.  Once, I had a miscarriage and was released from the hospital the day we were to leave on our trip.  Another time, I was hospitalized for a severe sinus infection and put on IV antibiotics with the possibility of surgery looming over me.  The doctors decided to release me so I could go to the beach with my family if I promised to have sinus surgery upon my return.  I got home from the hospital the night before we were scheduled to leave on vacation.  In both of these instances, there were no lists.  I was packing by the seat of my pants.  Needless to say, we had numerous daily trips to the grocery store and several meals we couldn't pull off because I wasn't going to buy a dozen eggs that we couldn't use to get the one that we needed or a 5-lb. bag of sugar so I could sweeten my coffee.  I am totally convinced that the only way to prepare for a trip where we will be cooking is the very extremely ordered way to which I am accustomed.

We are planning a short visit for the Beach this weekend for a Reunion.  Thus, a menu, a packing list, and a grocery list was needed.  I sat down this morning and knocked it all out.  Now I just have to do the packing, make the brownies and cookies, make a few preparations for Deanna's birthday cake to take with me, and I'll be ready to tackle the trip peacefully.  It's amazing how much peace a little organization can give me.

I say this very tongue-in-cheek as I glance up from the computer screen to my house.  We had a yard sale Saturday and there is only a small, tight path between the boxes and bags through the hallways, the living room, and the dining room.  Disarray and disorder surrounds me, yet I can be at peace because I have my lists for the trip prepared.

The bottom line is I'll take whatever I can get right now.  And, it seems the most I can get is a packing list.  Thank goodness for that.

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