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Monday, September 12, 2005

Is that Santa real?

I walked the children to school again this morning. I've done this every morning since school started last week, except for Friday when I had my doctor's appointment (which actually means I only did it for 3 days, since school started on Tuesday). So I picked them up after school on Friday and we walked home. Daelyn loves getting out in the morning and having a nice, brisk (walk - are you kidding?) ride in his stroller. We tried it with him walking the first day - he barely made it there and then was too tired to walk home again. Thus, the stroller. I'm hoping the daily exercise (not to mention pushing the stroller uphill) will help me with my weight.

I always walk the children right up to their lines, pray over them, and kiss them goodbye. Then Daelyn and I start for home. Today, on our way home, we were walking past the office and saw Santa through the window in the door. It was one of those ones that Wal-Mart had for sale last Christmas. He stands on a pedestal and dances with an Elvis-wiggle while he sings Christmas tunes. He's motion-activated or you can push the big red button on the pedestal to see him perform. I pointed him out to Daelyn and we had to go into the office and push the button several times. As we were leaving, another parent walked by and Daelyn announced, "Santa's in there. But he's not weal."

It reminded me of last Christmas. Daelyn and I were doing some Christmas shopping while the other two children were in school. We were at Wal-mart, of course (not that I buy that many presents al Wal-Mart, I just always seem to have to go there for something). Daelyn spotted a pair of cowboy boots on an end-cap and went crazy. He talked and talked about those boots. Will you buy them for me? Are you going to get them? Mom, can you get me those boots? I really like those cowboy boots. Can you buy them for me? On and on and on and ... Finally, in an effort to once and for all change the subject, I suggested that Daelyn ask Santa for them for Christmas.

Daelyn: "Okay. Let's go tell Santa wight now, Mom."
Me: "Daelyn, Santa's not here at this store right now. We can't tell him. We'll have to go home and write him a letter and tell him that you want cowboy boots."
Daelyn: "There's a Santa at the front door. He sang to us when we came in."
Me: "Son, he's not real. He's just a pretend Santa - a decoration."
Daelyn: "That's alwight. He'll do."

This morning, I was amazed to hear him acknowledge that the "Dancing Santa" wasn't "weal". After last year's incident, I was a little afraid he was VERY confused about this Santa-thing (any old one will do, even if it's fake). As if Santa's not already confusing enough.

As I was pushing the stroller home, Daelyn was thoughtful for a few minutes, which means quiet. This is a very rare thing, so I enjoy it when pensive moods hit him. Finally he said, "Mom, can I get on Santa's web site when we get home." Sure, my baby. Anything to add to the confusion.


Colette said...

Isn't is amazing how much the way of life can change in just a few short years...Santa and a web site!I still remember one year when the children where young and Becky's husband, Bart, went outside, climbed up a tree and rang some jingle bells for Katie. She was at that age where she needed some proof that Santa was REAL. That story has been in the Barnes' family christmas treasury for years. Never did we imagine that someday all parents would have to do is tap a button and bring up his web page.
Hope he can keep believing for many years.
Aunt Trin-Trin

Patti Doughty said...

Trin, so when is "the here and after" going to be posted to again? Waiting on your newest Post.
