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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patti's Day Birthday!

It's my birthday - St. Patrick's Day! My whole life, it's felt like the entire world was celebrating with me. I love having my birthday on a special day.

I think I would hate it if it was on Christmas or Easter regularly. Then it'd just get lost in the shuffle. But St. Patti's Day is perfect! A minor holiday but lots of beer, green, fun, etc. We have a parade in town which is great fun and the people on the floats throw candy and necklaces. It's getting longer and longer each year. Within 10 years or so, it probably will last a couple of hours. This year, it was a full hour of fun.

And, this time of year is usually warm without being hot, comfortably nice. You don't need coats but don't have to strip down to nothing, either. The sun is just beginning to peek out again after winter and the birds are chirping, flowers are beginning to bloom, and grass is yet to be burned up from the heat.

Gotta go. I'm making an ice cream cake for myself.


Oh, and my niece, Amanda, who was born the year I graduated from College, sandwiched in perfectly between the last final exam of my college career and my birthday dinner party. Thank you, baby, for being kind enough to hold off until after my exam and not ruining dinner. I love you, Baby Girl (she's 26 today!).

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