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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Diamonds or Coal?

I was awoken this morning by an early phone call from a friend needing prayer. She's had a series of strange and disturbing events occur in her family, including illness and accidents, and has reached the end of her rope. We prayed and talked for a short while and, the next thing I knew, Daelyn was in the bed next to me, snuggling. So much for going back to sleep.

In just 2 short days, I've lost sight of the vision - to bed early, up early to prepare Deanna for her visit to Grandma's next week. I can't help it. It's really not my fault!! Summer just seems to snatch my legs and then move up the rest of my body until I'm moving in slow motion and lazing around is the theme of the day. Blame it on Summer!

The earliest of the public schools start back in just 10 days. Teachers are already gearing up and school supplies are on sale everywhere. I've been trying to force the fog out of my mind so I can take advantage of the tax-free weekend to buy my children's supplies, even if it is a whole month still until they'll be starting school (long live the Private School!)

I hate sending my kids back to school. Although Deanna and Dane both enjoy school and new supplies and clothes are always fun, I miss them terribly and it means an end to fun for 9 whole months. Up early every morning, rushing to get them up and fed, dressed, neatened up, homework finished, and carpools run only to get them out the door, knowing that for the next 7 hours, some other woman will be gazing at their beautiful faces, kissing their boo-boo's, answering their questions, and teaching them. Those things are MY job. At least I have the consolation of knowing both their teachers well and knowing that they teach the same values and morals I would be teaching at home.

Still, even in the best of schools, of which ours is one, they are going to pick up ideas, concepts, WORDS, that I would not teach them. My children have been taught that "dumb" and "stupid" are curse words and are never to be used when referring to a person. The word "booty" refers to a pirate's treasure (the spoils of war) and baby-talk is not allowed. But they hear these words from their friends and booty is never used appropriately. (We're not big into slang around here - after all, their mother is an English major). They have one friend who can't seem to be around other people without talking silly and they pick it up very quickly, especially Dane. Lately Deanna has been using baby-talk. Once started, it's a hard habit to break.

So, we prepare for battle. Once again, I attempt to grasp reality and begin to prepare my children for the advent of school and so many new bad habits. But there's also creativity, sports, fun, and huge amounts of learning that take place between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. And, without challenges, they would become stale, like white bread that sat out over night. It's the struggles that bring up new issues and apply the pressure needed for growth. This summer, there has been little growth other than physical. I'm sure coal isn't wild about the process of becoming a diamond, but everyone recognizes that becoming a diamond is worth the work, pressure and heat. I want children that are diamonds, not just lumps of coal, even if it means surviving work, pressure and heat.

"Therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, 'Be ye holy; for I am holy.' " I Peter 1:13-16

"Hope for the grace"? Grace and mercy like raindrops falling from Heaven.

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