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Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Father's Day Tribute

One of the most important things you taught me was the importance of laughter - not to take myself too seriously, to use humor to diffuse a tense situation, to look at the world and realize that I'm just here temporarily and nothing it has to throw at me can move me off my course and laugh at that realization.

You taught me to love my husband, to cling to him, even if that requires forsaking everything and everybody except our Lord.

You taught me to budget. You showed me by example how not to live beyond my means and how to value what the Lord provided for us. You trained me to live simply and not demand the best of things. You ingrained in me the idea that money is here to serve us, not the other way around.

You showed me how to love my children by the way you loved me. You always took time for me, taking me fishing, talking with me, listening more than anything else. You valued me and proved that time and again by putting me before your own pursuits. When I was involved in something, you supported it wholeheartedly and completely. I was never left to wonder if Daddy would be there when I needed him.

You taught me about business. As a young child, you talked about working relationships and the importance of honesty and integrity in everything I did. I watched your example of arriving at work early and working hard all day. As I grew older, I came to you for much-needed advice in business matters, and you always steered me towards the right answer.

You taught me about cars. You made sure that I always knew how to change a tire, check tire pressure and oil and water levels. You explained that you didn't want me to be at the mercy of some man if my car ever broke down on the side of the road. You also taught me to talk to service people, mostly men, when necessary about repairing my car. You made sure I was comfortable with taking no prisoners and could speak about vehicles with confidence.

You showed me the importance of being myself - always. You gave me strength of character by giving me your genes, but you went a step further and made me feel that who I was was important and that I mattered in this world. I always was led to believe that the world needed ME - just the way I was, my strengths and weaknesses. It wasn't necessary to put on aires or attempt to be something I wasn't. "I" was good enough. In fact, "I" was GREAT.

You gave me an ability to weave interesting stories that has hugely impacted my life. From my very early years, sitting on your lap listening to yours, to the present day when I long to hear all about your childhood and mission trips, you have trained me to communicate effectively and interestingly.

You have poured out affection on me in such a way that some people would call us "mushy". In fact, many people do. Kissing, hugging, and words of encouragement and affection were never in short supply around our home. We always felt nurtured and loved.

You loved my mother. Oh, how you loved my mother. You made me yearn for that kind of love in marriage. Even today, the sacrificial love that you demonstrate towards her sets a high standard for all of your children.

You were so much more than just a Father. You were and are a Dad, a Grandpa, an example of the best. You never fall short in expending whatever energy is necessary to love us, even though we're all grown and gone now, with families of our own (and some of us, with grandchildren of our own). You continue to treat us like your children, listening, advising, comforting, hugging, supporting.

You are and will always be Daddy Extraordinaire. You are the example that all our husbands strive for, the one we know will always be there for us.

I love you, Papa, and always will. You gave me life, not only before birth, but every day since. But life was just the beginning. You gave me and my siblings so much more. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

There is no way to adequately communicate all you mean, but I know you understand without me having to explain. And the Lord has not failed to notice. Your reward will be great in due time but, for now, thank you, Papa. Happy Father's Day.

1 comment:

Colette said...

AMEN! and thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving to us the best example you have and had in this world of what the word "Father" means. It is by and through our earthly father's example that we are able to love you so intimately and understand a measure of the love, faith, caring, provision, protection and committment you, our heavenly Father, has for us. Thank you...AMEN