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Friday, October 20, 2006

Time to Take Time

Since school started, we've been living a new family schedule. I wake the children at 6:30, so they have lots of time to get ready for school without having to rush. They usually have their backpacks on their backs and are ready to walk out the door 10 minutes before we leave to walk to school - chores done, spelling words and memory verses reviewed, etc. Very peaceful for everyone.

When they get home from school, they change clothes and lay out their school clothes for the next day, then have a snack and visit with Mom. Next is homework, then playtime. We eat dinner at 5:00, and have plenty of time to waste together at the table.

After dinner, the children clear their places and get their baths. Don doesn't get home from work until 6:15-ish, so they get to visit with Dad while he eats. Most evenings, I read to them for 20 minutes or so, then they take their medicines, brush teeth, and it's off to bed by 7:00 p.m.

While they bathe, I clean up the kitchen, so I'm ready to read to them at 6:30. Once they're in bed, Don and I have time together. We've never, in our 11 years of marriage, talked so much. We have two hours most evenings to visit and talk about issues before we head towards bed.

The really funny thing is, the more I talk to him, the more I want to talk to him. During the day, I think of things I want to tell him and questions I want to ask him. It's amazing - this time with him is so precious. Not that I ever stopped, but I'm falling in love with him even more. Life is good - school time, family time, time to share about the Lord, reading time, bonding time, chore time, and MOM AND DAD TIME - Yahoo!!!

Our new schedule has brought new life to all of us. God is good. Life is good. YEAH!

On another note, I've finished four workouts at the Y so far (Mon. through Wed. and today) and they just get better. I'm feeling better already and am having fun. A lot of my friends workout at the Y so I get to socialize while exercising. Could life get any better?


Mom said...

I'm agreeing with everything here, although I find topics to discuss hard to come by sometime.
Keep up the good work.

Rachel said...

Patti: this post is a perfect example of what is so great about exercise -- it makes LIFE GOOD! Endorphins how I love thee.