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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

There's Something in the Water

I got a phone call while in England from a friend of mine. She called to tell me she was pregnant. She didn't want me to hear from somebody else, so she got my number from my parents and called to give us the good news.

"Have you heard about the others?" she asked.

OTHERS, you say?!? What others.

Apparently, two friends for which I had been praying (and who both live within 2 blocks of me) conceived at almost the same time. One has 4 boys and I've been praying for a little girl to soften them there boys (although another boy would be great, too, and she's already a great mom to boys, so it'd be a no-brainer for her). The other has two sons and has had difficulty staying pregnant since her last child. Both of them have been on my prayer list for quite sometime, and here they were - both pregnant, and both while we were in England.

The two for which I have been praying are due anytime now. It occurred to me today that all this cleaning and neatening may be displaced nesting. I've made sure both my friends know that I should be the first call for babysitting, so maybe all this preoccupation with order is my hormones, preparing for a baby.

Just don't drink the water around here unless your nursery is set up and ready. But if you need a sitter, I'm the gal to call!!

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