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Friday, February 15, 2008


Amanda was transferred back to MCG this evening and we've once again taken up residence in the Trauma ICU Waiting Room.

To make a long story short, after three days of waiting for the doctors to take her into surgery, after not having seen an orthopedic surgeon, after being treated like a Plaque Victim, after crying until her eyes ached, after the nurses paged the doctor ALL DAY long to get some answers for my sister, she and my brother-in-law finally pinned the doctor down to a conference call. He told them that Amanda's bones have already begun to harden and that the risk of the surgery outweighed the benefit and he was not going to fix her pelvis. They requested a transfer back to MCG and will get a second opinion here.

Evidently, they had another long conversation with the doctor this morning and I've yet to hear the whole story, but Amanda was put back in an ambulance at 5 p.m. and is now resting comfortably, with her mother sleeping at her side in a chair that the nurse brought in for her and disinfected himself. When I parted with my sister in the waiting room, the doctor was in with Amanda and wanted to talk with her mother about her meds and the transfer, so my sister left me in the care of some of our fellow waiting room occupants and said goodnight.

I still have a lot of unanswered questions but my sister has promised to answer them all tomorrow. For tonight, she wants to sleep, as does the rest of the family.

Alex was at Amanda's bedside in Columbia yesterday (for Valentine's Day) and spent the night at a hotel with her parents and the day with her, following the ambulance back to Augusta. He and Amanda smiled at each other and he went in search of a doctor to get her pain medication. They seem to be much closer, having weathered this ordeal.

My sister commented in the waiting room before heading back for the night to the unit, "I never thought I'd be so happy to see a group of people again, but I've missed you all," referring to the other waiting room occupants.

We all are happy to have her home again. And we'll deal with tomorrow on the morrow.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Thank you Lord for Answered Prayers!!!

I was praying that God would do something to make Amanda's stay at the other Hospital comfortable but he knew BETTER!!! He allowed her to go back to where the best treatment is and has been. I couldn't stand to read on your blog the crap that was going on at the other hospital.

Tell Trina and Amanda that they are thought about and prayed for.