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Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Sick D's

Daelyn climbed in bed with Don and me at 2:30 a.m. Friday. He was coughing horribly and I was quite convinced he was VERY sick. Since I was scheduled to teach Dane's class for the day, I asked Don to get him an appointment with the Pediatrician.

After dressing for school, I went into the kitchen to finish lunches and check on the children's progress. Don met me.

"Daelyn says he feels better and wants to go to school."

"Are you crazy? He's sick. He most certainly is NOT going to school. You need to take him to Dr. Miller. I think he has pneumonia."

"He doesn't have pneumonia. And he says he feels better. He's hardly coughed at all the last 1/2 hour. Don't you think he should go to school?"

I emphatically reiterated my previous answer. Then added, "If he doesn't have pneumonia, he at least has a bad case of bronchitis. TAKE HIM TO THE DOCTOR."

Sure enough. Pneumonia in one lung and wheezing in the other. Antibiotics and breathing treatments. On Saturday morning, I began to get really stuffy and my throat started to hurt. Don's been sick for several days and Deanna's been complaining of a sore throat. I was the last hold-out, probably because I've been at the hospital and home with the children so little.

So, I've been banned from the hospital - at least until I'm better. I'm not allowed to see Amanda and Don insists that I not even go in the waiting room for fear I'll infect Trina. Then we'll really be in bad shape.

I'm trying to stay in touch over the phone, but it's very difficult and I feel like a duck out of water not knowing what's going on. I'm trying to get caught up on my chores while I'm home so I can jump back into the hospital as soon as I feel better.

And taking care of sick Daelyn, sick Deanna, sick Dane, and sick Don.


Eric said...

Get to feeling better; but get some MUCH NEEDED rest also. I posted a comment on your previous post.

Patti Doughty said...

Eric, thank you so much. It was a very tough 3 days. Trina told me that she nodded off to sleep in the waiting room one night to be awoken by a Security Guard tapping her on the shoulder. "You'll have to leave," he told her, and escorted her out. The Lord heard all our prayers and she's back at MCG now, thanks be to God.

Thanks for staying in touch and for all the prayers.
