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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dane's take on Movie Ratings

"Mr. Bean's Holiday" is playing at the Children's Free Film Festival today. In trying to decide whether or not to give it a go, we looked it up on, a website recommended by Focus on the Family.

The website gave a glowing report. Under the heading, "Sexual Content", it said a prom-style, off-the-shoulder dress worn by a French actress was the worst of it. For violence, a young boy slaps Bean across the face in anger, which later becomes their method of greeting and is used several times. Negative aspects include Bean "stealing" a bicycle and a decrepid scooter. It seems that the worst of the movie is the fact that this stranger attempts to help a young boy, something we find shocking in today's world.

Deanna was reading the review over my shoulder and asked, "What's it rated?"

"G," I responded.

Dane, over my other shoulder: "G? What does that mean? Goofy?"


Heather Raven said...

Paul took the kids to see that moviw when I was pregnant with Mia. Gracie's comment 30 minutes into the movie ahe leaned over to Paul and said "Dad, is it almost over?" A tad boring according to my kidos.

Patti Doughty said...

Really? We loved it. But my kids also like the Three Stooges and Charlie Chaplin. I think slapstick comedy is a taste that has to be cultured. The scene where he's dancing in the market for hand-outs almost made me bust. I laughed very hard through many of the scenes and found his humor very refreshing.