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Friday, June 06, 2008


About two weeks before the end of school, Dane asked me to cut his hair. It had gotten quite long and was unruly. It took me a couple of days to pull out the clippers, but I gave him a nice, boy cut. Daelyn refused a haircut and since his hair wasn't quite as sloppy and long, I decided to let him slide. We've been so busy having fun (and doing chores) this week that his hair hasn't been touched.

Today, we're going to the beach for the day. Some close friends are there this whole week so we're going down to visit. Dane and Daelyn both have friends in the family we're visiting and Deanna is taking a friend with her. The kids have been very excited about their first beach trip this summer.

I packed the van last night, then set my alarm for 6:40, the time I rise during the school year. Don is a much earlier riser and is gone for work by about 5:30.

Before my alarm sounded this morning, I heard the back door open (the kitchen is next to our bedroom) and excited voices at the van. The boys were obviously up and rearing to go. I took off my breathing mask, flipped off the alarm, and jumped out of bed.

"I'll finish packing the coolers first," I told myself, and headed for the kitchen. As I pulled Gatorade and water bottles out of the freezers and began loading them in coolers, Daelyn ran up to me.

"Good morning, Mommy!" he practically shouted. I glanced at him. He had hair horns poking out both sides of his head. Apparently, he had slept quite soundly and his hair this morning proved it.

As if in response to my thoughts and quite pleased with himself, Daelyn announced, "I went to bed last night, woke up this morning, and I had this hair-do!"

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