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Monday, February 13, 2006

Cast Tomorrow

Deanna broke her foot. She was hopping on it at school Friday during recess and landed on it sideways. Don and I were both home but feeling badly and we had lain down for a nap with Daelyn. The phone rang, but I ignored it, needing sleep more than chit-chat. Don left about five till three to pick the children up from school and, while he was gone, I listened to the answering machine.

Boy, was I embarrassed and upset. I left my little girl sitting there in pain with ice (all of 4 cubes, she said later) on her foot, waiting for her mommy while I was happily sleeping. She hopped up the front stairs and into the dining room, unable to put any weight on her throbbing foot.

She spent most of the weekend on the loveseat with it elevated and an ice-pack (mixed vegetables) on it. Yesterday, I insisted that she try and walk on it to see if it was just bruised and she could work out the kinks. Although it hurt, she was spurred on by the knowledge that Chuck E. Cheese awaited us today since the kids were out of school. We had planned on going early today but I was very concerned that she wouldn't be able to hop all day at Chuck E. Cheese and would have to be able to walk some to be able to go.

So, she walked, but her foot was still swollen this afternoon, and I placed a call to our Pediatrician. She was examined and sent for an X-ray and I just got the call back from the doctor. It is, in fact, broken - not the ankle, but the long bone along the side of the foot. They'll schedule her with an Orthopod in the morning to get casted.

Sitting at her table at school is the son of a Family Practice doctor. Friday, after the incident, some of her friends were waiting on her and were clustered around her trying to help. The boy commented, "I don't know what all the fuss is about. It's not like she broke it."

Deanna has every intention of telling him tomorrow, when she arrives late with her cast on her foot, that he needs a few more years of medical school.


Debbie said...

I can completely relate to your story. I read your blog sometimes thru the Joy of the Lord is my stength. My son broke his foot on December 12th at school also. He broke it playing basketball at gym, he just landed on it sideways. He broke the 5th metatarsal bone at the base, which is the long bone on the side of the foot. He also broke his foot in the morning, and they thought he had just twisted it and gave him ice. When I got there at 3, I took a look and knew. It was blue in color and there was a bump on the side. They casted it 9 days later because that kind of break doesn't always need a cast. He is now doing physio, as he's a rep goalie in hockey and has lost some movement right now from the cast. I will be praying for you and your family, I know what you're going thru. Debbie.

Kim said...

GASP! Not ANOTHER broken bone!! (we're still getting over the whole collarbone and 3 ribs episode). My prayers are going out to you and Deanna. My daughter broke her ankle at school about 3 years ago. I had just arrived at work and the message came in that my daughter twisted her ankle and needed me to come get her. I felt compelled to stay at work at least an hour (I think it was longer) I was exasperated instead of concerned. I finally arrived at school to get her and the swelling and bruising was pretty scary. (another winner of the terrible mommy award -- I have a trophy and everything...) Xray, cast, and really cool crutches (that were used more as gymnastic equipment than tools for walking...) -- she became the coolest kid in 4th grade :). She loved the noteriety. I hope Deanna's healing is as complete and her experience as fun as my daughter's. Happy Valentines to you and yours (great story, flowers and all)!

Patti Doughty said...

Debbie, thanks for visiting. Joy is My Strength is written by my sister. One of my very first Posts was called, "So, you have an online Blog" and tells a little about the origins of my sister's Site. Your story sounds amazingly like mine. Deanna also broke that long bone on the outside of the foot.

Thanks for the prayers and hope you visit again.

Kim, I've been checking your Site for new Posts. And I understand the "Bad Mommy" sentiment. We should start a club. I think Rachel struggles with this occasionally, too.

Deanna, much to her chagrin, didn't get any crutches. But I think I'm going to have to get the Tylenol with Codeine prescription filled for her. She's hurting pretty badly. And, today, her tonsils are swollen, her throat hurting, and Daelyn just threw up.

If it ain't one thing, it's another.

By the way, thanks for the Comment. Sometimes, it feels like I'm writing to myself. People sometimes tell me they've read this or that on my Blog, but most of my friends never leave comments, and it's a little discouraging to Miss Conversational.


Patti Doughty said...

Debbie, I was just tellling my sister about your comment and realized that Joy is My Strength is Jan's Blog. My sister's is The Here and After.

I feel like a real dummy - I don't even know my own sister's Blog name.

Of course, I do, I'm just so used to reading my favorite ones that the names have blurred in my mind.

I've missed having Jan post on her own site. I haven't yet made it over to the Home Schooler's Blog to catch up with her. If you get a chance, would you send me that URL so I can update my list?

Thanks again.
