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Friday, February 24, 2006

Daelyn's Prayer

Daelyn has lots of affectionate terms for me. I always thought "Mommy" was an affectionate term, but he thinks he needs something else. For a long time, he called me "Cuppie" (don't know what this means - just his little sweetness) but, now, has moved on to "Scruffie". I think I prefer Cuppie.

Sometimes, he just calls me "his little Mommy", which I find hilarious. Little, I am not and, especially in comparison to his size, but that's HIS term of affection and I shouldn't dissect it.

I woke up this morning with a headache. I took two extra-strength Tylenol while Don walked the kids to school. After he got home, we were sitting in the Den talking about our schedules for the day and I told him about my headache. Daelyn, jumping from piece of furniture to piece of furniture (imitating SpiderMan) overheard mine and Don's conversation and hollered, "I'll pray for you, Mommy."

His prayer went something like this: "Lord Jesus, bless my little Cuppie Mommy. Take away her headache and don't let her get any rotovirus or asthma or the virus like I had. Help my little sweet Mommy to not die and to feel better..."

I quickly jumped in with an "Amen". The whole prayer was very sweet, although he mentioned every possible ailment he was aware of and everything was done in slow motion so this brief little prayer took about 5 minutes while he pondered each word carefully after he finished the one before.

My sweet baby. SpiderMan one moment, Billy Graham the next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He prayed with,"Faith as a child" Knowing w/o a doubt that God would heal his Cuppie Mommy.

Oh that we would all always have the faith as a child.