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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dad's Current Mission

My parents are in Kazakstan on a Missions Trip. They left last Tuesday and will be gone for 3 weeks. It took them about 2 1/2 days to get there. They flew from Atlanta to London, had a long lay-over, then flew to Almaty, Kazakstan. Once there, they met up with some other missionaries and boarded a train which took them north.

Daddy called today. They're staying with a woman who has an apartment. Daddy said in an earlier e-mail that these are the best accomodations they've ever had on a mission. When he called today (obviously, he has access to a phone), he said that they can feel the prayers but to keep them up. He can't say too much over the phone but, apparently, there's spiritual activity swirling around them. I promised I'd get as many people as possible praying.

When Daddy visits Vietnam, he send us e-mails in a type of code. Because it's a Communist country, he can't mention Christian activity, so he talks about the flocks of geese, the fishing, the sights they visit as tourists. But his message is clear to anyone who can read between the lines. During his phone call today, I kept listening for clues. There were none. He just said that he couldn't really talk freely.

He told me that they're really on the southern tip of Siberia, which none of us realized before he took the trip. Today he mentioned that it warms up to the 80's during the day, but gets very cold at night.

Please pray for my parents. Pray that the Harvest is plentiful. Pray for their protection. Pray that the Lord directs their path and blesses the work of their hands. Especially, however, pray for a safe return.

I'll let you know when he's safely home. Thanks in advance for your support.

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