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Monday, November 07, 2005

Each Day Holds Promise

Ah!! A new day, full of opportunity and promise. Maybe I can get the kitchen floor washed today and the laundry ALL done. Perhaps I'll even have a chance to iron some of Don's shirts.

I've always been a morning person. I wake up happy and with ideas brimming. When I was in college, I had a roommate who was not a morning person. I never understood why she was so grumpy for the first hour she was awake each day. Now that I'm older, and less bubbly in the mornings, I realize that I must have been obnoxious. I would wake up singing and absolutely bursting with wonderful things to talk about, and talk about, and talk about. Not even two cups of coffee in the morning could prepare her for me.

Although I'm somewhat more weathered now, I still wake up happy. Even when I'm sick and struggle to lift my feet out of bed in the morning, I'm filled with joy and excitement about the promise of the new day.

As I'm brushing my teeth, I come up with a plan - it always involves no interruptions and usually is at least three times more than I can really get done in any one day, but it's a plan, all the same. And it makes me happy to start my day with a plan of action and hope for what I think I might be able to get done.

Since the children started school, I've tried to reserve Wednesday's to be my play day. Monday's and Thursday's are wash day. I also have house cleaning to do both those days. On Tuesday, I try to wash all the towels and sheets and remake all the beds. Friday is my errand day. Don's usually off work and I have to get my allergy shot. Then it's off to the Crafts Store or to pick up a present or maybe just to the bank and video store. There's always the library beckoning to me and a list of other things I need to get done outside the home, including staying caught up on the children's wardrobes by perusing sales racks at the local stores and taking clothes they've outgrown to the second hand store.

So on Wednesday's, I work very hard to not plan anything other than time with Daelyn. We usually go to the Park with a friend and her 3-yr. old or do something fun together like Chuck E. Cheese. In any case, it's the one day I don't have a long list of chores and can devote to fun things.

But today is Monday and the laundry is calling to me. As usual, I have a long list of things I'd love to get done, so I'd better get started.

Hope your day is as promising as mine!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

You're such a good housekeeper!
It's good that you're a morning person. It's very refreshing to get up early.

Thursday night is my playtime. I go over to a friends and scrapbook till LATE!