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Thursday, November 03, 2005

Just an Ordinary, albeit busy, day

I'm not entirely sure how Dane's going to work out in the Handbell Choir. Last night, at practice, he sat down on the altar kneeler and rang his bell from a sitting position.

The kids got their report cards last night. Both of them got all E's. Dane's teacher commented that "Dane is a wonderful little boy. His behavior is excellent." Deanna's teacher said, "Wonderful report card."

I have to admit, I've gotten used to this. My children inherited their daddy's brains and they really are quite bright.

I'm slowly but surely working my way through an incredibly difficult week. On Tuesday, I was so stressed out, my hands shook all morning. But it's Thursday and I only have to get through Saturday before I can totally collapse.

I'm going in for my second sleep study tonight. They called and had a cancellation and I jumped at the chance. While it puts even more pressure on an already trying day, I'd like to get it out of the way before the holidays and, remember, we're praying for a miracle. I'm believing that tomorrow morning, I'll feel like a new person. I'll let you know.

So, off it is to make lunches, feed the troops, put report cards back in their backpacks after copying them (you get 15 free tokens from Chuck E. Cheese everytime you bring in a report card) and figure out what to do about Deanna, who's feeling quite puny, while I'm at the OB/GYN this morning. I suspect she won't be going to school today.


Colette said...

Talking about Dane sitting on the altar to play handbells reminds me of Russey's first t-ball team. They were three years old and Moms had to stand outfield with them because the kids kept disappearing. Apparently the woods behind and to the side of the field had a big pull and half the outfield kept wandering into the woods to play. We also had to break up a group of about 5 boys that were more interested in watching a ant hill than keeping their eyes on where the ball was hit. One little boy would just lay flat on the grass...when we tried vocally to get him up and get him in the game he declined. He kept informing us that at home he wasn't allowed to lay in the grass and he had figured out that there he could get away with it...his parents weren't going to make a scene on the ball field. AHHHH, the memories!!!

Anonymous said...

We serve a Mighty All Knowing God and His ways are perfect. I will keep you in my prayers Patti.
If a sleep study was done on me, I think they would find out that I am really just Crazy!

Mom said...

I'm feeling pretty bad these days myself. In fact, it's been a while since I have felt normal.
I feel like when I had the flu, minus the runny nose and fever.

However, after I pop a Darvocet, I feel great for a few hours! :D

Patti Doughty said...

Talli, gosh!! I hope you're going to see a doctor. It sure doesn't sound normal to have to pop a Darvocet.

Thanks for the encouragement, Eric.

Trin, it's pretty sad that parents wouldn't allow their son to lie in the grass. Poor guy. I guess I'd take every opportunity, too.