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Friday, November 04, 2005

Sleep Success

Well, I'm home from my sleep study. Everybody ready for the outcome? Hold your breath - here it comes ... I feel GREAT!! In case I neglected to mention it, I had to go back in last night for a second study, this time wearing a CPAP, which is a breathing mask that forces air in your nose to keep you alive while you sleep. It was a scary experience, but only when I looked in the mirror. I had electrodes in my hair (14, to be exact), a fair number stuck on my face and covered in tape until I looked like a mummy, a pulse oxygenation monitor on my finger, two bands wrapped tightly around my torso - one high on my chest under my arms and the other around my belly, wires coming out of everywhere, some sort of device taped under my nose to monitor my breathing, and a face mask over all the rest of this junk with a huge hose coming off it. But I konked out around 10:00 p.m., trying to keep the mask tight around my nose.

It seemed like a restless night, waking about 15 times to change positions or scratch the paper tape on my face. They came in at 5:40 to officially wake me. The technician began removing electrodes, wires, and tape while I sat on the side of the bed, waiting for the fogginess to hit. IT NEVER DID. I'm not groggy, even after so little sleep, and I feel wonderful - energized. I can't wait to be able to get a machine like that at home and sleep with it without all the other "stuff", and see how good I feel after a normal night's sleep with the CPAP.

I felt so good, I drove halfway across town (after discovering they closed down our Bojangles') to buy cinnamon biscuits for the kids for breakfast and walked them to school. Then I ran to get my allergy shot.

The Nurses at the Allergy Clinic always have me check my vials to be sure they are mine and they haven't mixed me up with someone else. This morning, while checking mine, I commented that I'm not giving shots to two different people at home - Don and our friend, Ken. Before I had a chance to give the names of my victims, Daelyn spoke up and told the nurse, "Uncle Ken and Don Doughty".

There he goes again with that Don Doughty thing. I'm hoping it's just a stage. But I got a real kick out of him this morning, bein' that I was so well rested!!


Mom said...

Congratulations! It's nice to get some sleep, huh?
Now if only I could get some sleep.
My trouble is I am a night owl, I have trouble sleeping because my energy levels pick up after dinner, and I'd rather be cleaning or something than going to sleep. So, I get to sleep around midnight. Then I need to get up at 6 AM. Makes it tough.
My oldest son used to call me by my first name when his efforts at calling "MOM!" would fail due to my inability to hear him. He finally would come downstairs and get in my face, and say what he needed followed by my name several times. It was cute.
Best of luck with your newfound sleeping ability.

Dan McGowan said...

i am also a cpap user - have you experienced any odd side effects during the waking hours? please email me, if so... thanks, dan.