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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I was in the kitchen cutting up red bell peppers to freeze. Grandma and Grandpa Doughty gave me a bagful and I needed to do something with them. Deanna was eating breakfast at the table and Daelyn was talking to her.

"That thing that hangs down is called a hose," I heard Daelyn say.

"No it's not, honey," I interrupted. "It's called the uvula."

Deanna and Daelyn stared at me.

"That thing that hangs down in your throat in the back - it's called the uvula," I explained to their blank expressions.

"That thing hanging off Mr. Bud's closeline over there?" Deanna asked, pointing out the window to the neighbor's yard.

I looked out the window, then remembered the conversation at dinner last night where we had been discussing what that thing could be. Don thought the clothesline had fallen. I thought it was too thick for the clothesline, but didn't have any other ideas. Apparently, Daelyn checked it out, and it's a hose.

"Oh." I did it again.

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