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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Amanda is holding her own. It appeared that her lung had collapsed again today but the doctors, after much reviewing of the situation, decided that it might not be what it appeared and to give it more time before attempting a very invasive procedure.

A close family friend, whose away at college, came to visit today. He was the childhood best friend of Amanda's younger brother and practically lived at their house, harassing Amanda something terrible. She and Lance fought way more than Amanda and her own brother.

My sister took Lance into Amanda's room and spoke to her.

"Honey, I brought a special visitor. Look who's here - Lance has come to visit you."

Amanda jerked her eyes opened, looked at Lance and seemed to smile. He spoke to her, then Trina added,

"Lance needs to know if you want him to give you a hard time."

Amanda vehemently shook her head. Up till this point, she has only nodded. For a girl who's supposed to be deeply under (some drug-induced coma), she sure is frisky.

She goes into surgery at 7:30 a.m. Thursday. They will remove the packing and check to see how she's healing. They plan to implant a feeding tube and have two spine specialists and an orthopedic surgeon scrub in to review her situation in preparation for the initial plans to reconstruct her pelvis - with titanium.

My sister was in a much better mood this evening. She was explaining about the titanium to me and commented that we're going to have a bionic woman on our hands. "Like Superwoman!" I added. "Perhaps they could make her titanium wristbands for deflecting bullets."

The doctors explained to my sister that she is no longer critical due to her injuries, but now it's due to the amount of tubes and monitors they have attached to her. They say the biggest risk to her health now is infection. We HAVE to be very careful to not impede her progress by spreading any germs. She's just not able to fight it off very hard.

The most immediate concern is that she's spiked a fever again. And, of course, she needs prayer for the surgery tomorrow.

In closing, my sister told me (with a sparkle in her eye) that she had some news. She was able to talk to one of the doctors on the team that's taking care of Amanda and was told that Amanda's fighting the ventilator. She's insisting on breathing on her own and won't relax and let the ventilator work. She's a fighter.

Apparently, the doctor also referred to her as "a monkey" and said that the last time they went in to reinflate her lung, she bit the camera. She must not have liked having that tube down her throat and was communicating her feelings loud and clear.

She may be a VERY sick young woman still, but she sure is fiesty! Go, Amanda, go! Give those doctors a good run for their money.

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