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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hunts or Doughtys?

Dane has been complaining - alot - about stomach aches. Every evening, every morning, after school, before dinner, after dinner . . . basically, all the time he's home. Last Friday, I kept him home from school and took him to the doctor. I had decided that I was going to beg for some relief for my son. I was positioned to NOT LEAVE THIS OFFICE until they did something to help him.

Interestingly, my doctor was unavailable (I think I remember him telling me that he was going on a Mission Trip) so we saw one of his associates who took my concerns VERY seriously. He asked a lot of questions, felt around Dane's mid-section a good bit, then told me he thinks it's Dane's colon. He quadrupled Dane's dosage of medicine for reflux and asked me to start him on a laxative and increase his intake of fiber. Today, Dane says he's still having stomach pain but not near as bad. He also says he goes to the bathroom all day long. Apparently, the child inherited my stomach problems instead of his father's excellent health.

We got a call from Daelyn's teacher yesterday. He had taken a situation into his own hands and done something pretty bad, at least by school rules (not to minimize his actions in any way - he would've been spanked at home for the same offense). He was frustrated with one of his closest friends and lashed out instead of talking to the teacher or another adult. Don and I sat him down at the kitchen table while we tried to figure out how to handle the situation. Don suggested a 3-day suspension which seemed overly harsh to me. We spoke with the other boy's mother on the phone who gave us some excellent insight, then Don and I talked privately. Just then, his teacher returned my message from earlier in the day and offered still more insight.

We successfully maneuvered through that situation before sending all the children off to bed. What I found to be most fascinating is that Daelyn inherited his responses from me, as well. I have an Irish temper, inherited from my father and his father before him. I was sent to the Principal's office more than once in Elementary School for beating up boys on the playground. I was an excellent student but I didn't take flack from ANYONE. The Principal was very creative with his discipline. Once, he made me walk the halls between class periods holding hands with the boy I had beaten up. I was humiliated beyond belief. The Principal knew me well enough to know that punishment was far better than a good, quick, over-before-you-know-it spanking (I NEVER got a spanking in school - I really was a good student, I just had a temper and them boys just kept irritating me!)

Dane inherited my stomach problems and Daelyn inherited my temper. Is there NOTHING of their father's that these children inherited? I mean, I'm thankful for pretty eyes, beautiful smiles, great hair and cherubic looks. I'm very happy that Daelyn got my dimples! But Don is so mild-mannered (unless he's mad at me) and even-tempered. I got two worriers and one who'd rather punch you than talk to you. JUST LIKE THEIR MOM!

I'm going to pray that they have more qualities like their father and that, as they get older, their Doughty characteristics will become more apparent.

Less Hunt, kids - at least the questionable side of Hunt.

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