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Friday, May 09, 2008


I had lunch with Daelyn's teacher on Wednesday. It was a special luncheon to which I was invited, also, so I traded my day in the classroom with a good friend who helps out on Tuesday. She is also the Kindergarten substitute, so she was teaching while we were eating.

Karin: "Guess what Daelyn told me today?"

Me: "There's no telling with him!"

K: "He was playing in the woods last night at a cookout at a friend's house and he found an old shack in the woods."

M: "Yep. There is an old shack in those woods."

K, quoting Daelyn: " 'I saw a dead person tied up to a chair in the shack.' I asked him what he did about it and he said, 'I told my Mama and she told me not to go near that shack again.' "

Oh, ye of big imagination!

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