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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Car Jumper

Donovan jumped out of the front van window yesterday on the way home from taking the kids to school. I've been afraid he might fall out, so I keep him on his leash, hanging onto one end of it, while he sticks his head out the window.

One moment he was there, the next he was gone. I slammed on the brakes, scared to death I would run over him. I'm certain I drug him at least a little way.

I ran around to the other side of the van and he was up and running in circles. I'm pretty certain he knew he was in trouble, because he tried real hard to kiss up to me. I put him back in the van, rolled up the window, and gave him a stern talking-to. Daelyn was really concerned about his puppy, but he seemed fine.

When we got home, I noticed blood all over the front seat and some on the back seat where Donovan had jumped in time to get out of the van when we got home. When we got him inside, I checked him over good. He broke off a claw all the way down at the foot and had four bad scrapes where all the fur had been rubbed off and he was bleeding, but he seemed alright otherwise.

Just to be on the safe side, I took him to the Vet this morning. He laughed and said, "I'd love to tell you he's learned his lesson, but the truth is, he'd probably do it again." I don't know. He's pretty smart, but I'm certainly not going to give him a chance.

He's on antibiotics to protect him from an infection and the Vet gave him some medicine for his itching, but he's fine. It was a close call. He could easily have broken a body part or his neck or been run over by the van before I could stop.

I've thought it was going to be wonderful having a pet that never seemed to grow up. The children have grown up so fast, I thought it would be nice to have a little creature who always wanted to sit in my lap and love on Mommy.

I'm rethinking this "baby forever" thing.

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