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Friday, May 11, 2007

Highlights of the Week

Dane caught a large bullfrog tonight in the yard - his first. He's thrilled. He had to show it to all the members of the family. He rubbed the bumpy skin and felt the fingers on the little short front legs. He wanted to keep it, but I convinced him to let it go - just in case it had a wife and children who needed it for Mother's Day.

Deanna asked to go to the Prayer Meeting last night so she could share about me. Her teacher's husband was leading the meeting and the kids were told there'd be a chance for them to share about their mothers. She was very pleased, even though I wasn't there. I can't wait to go the Video.

I talked with my friend, Kim, today. England is so far away, yet we had an hour-long chat and it felt like we were right next door to each other again.

A good amount of the "dealing" is dealt with and things are improving already.

Daelyn got to go to school for his "come-and-see" day. He's convinced that the purpose of the hour and a half was for him to decide if he liked it or not, and since he does, he gets to go NOW.

I worked out several times this week at the Y and took my children on a nice bikeride one evening this week. Love those endorphins.

The kids only have 3 more weeks of school - YAY! Not only that, but I've been thinking a lot about the summer . . . lazy days swimming at the lake, grilling out, using the water park at the Y, visiting my sister-in-law in Colorado, spending a week at the beach, visiting my in-laws. I've asked for a fire kettle for Mother's Day so we can have fires in the backyard. There are few things I love more than a fire. I like fireplaces, bonfires, just about any kind of fire. Sitting around the warmth, having family time, eating s'mores, singing, drinking tea or hot chocolate. Can life get any better?

Tonight we had a late dinner on the deck, then sat around visiting with my father while he told war stories. Deanna and her spend-the-night guest even sat spellbound, listening. I love listening to my father's stories. Everytime he tells one I've heard before, he gives a little more detail and I understand the story a little better. It was so pleasant - warm spring evening, my family all together. These years are so precious.

Deanna had her Choir Concert this week, which was wonderful. Mom and Dad came with us so they could stay after and hear Dane play the handbells at our Rehearsal. He's really very good, which is pretty amazing for a 7-yr. old.

All-in-all, a full, good week, despite hard times.

Thanks for your prayers. Have a good weekend.

And, Monika, if you read this, I MISS YOU. Write soon.

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