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Monday, April 20, 2009


My friend, Kelly, told me a couple of weeks ago that her 1-yr. old, John, who is my darling, was sitting on the couch and talking quietly to himself:

"Mama, Daddy, Aunt Patti . . . Mama, Daddy, Aunt Patti . . . Mama, Daddy, Aunt Patti . . ."

She called me to tell me.

"I think he's listing his favorite people," she said.

I RATE! I'm one of his favorite people.

It's amazing how two little words can mean so much - "Aunt Patti"!


Anonymous said...

It's true! Babies understand unconditional love. Isn't it nice to be adored?

Patti Doughty said...

Absolutely unbelievable. I think it's a taste of Grandparent-hood. You sort of expect this with your own children, but from a much-loved child that isn't yours - sends me to the moon!