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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Brothers in Crime

Daelyn and Donovan are like twin brothers. They're about the same age, into the same things, and have about the same daily schedule. Donovan's relationship with each family member is unique. Dane is his sugar-boy (same as me) - everytime he gets near Dane, he licks him profusely, then cuddles with him. Deanna is his exercise buddy - they walk together and she plays with him and feeds him. Daddy is the authority figure from afar - seldom home but silently meets Donovan's needs when he is. Mama is the same to him as to all the children - he follows me around, expects me to meet all his little desires, whines for me when he needs something, and has to have lots of quality time with me. But Daelyn . . . Daelyn is his bosom buddy. They fight with each other, they share food, they tease, jump, play, bite, pet, snuggle. You never know from one second to the next if they're playing, fighting, or loving on each other.

Daelyn will dangle his food in front of Donovan's face, then snatch it away just in time. Donovan will jump up and nip his finger. Daelyn will sit on the couch to watch a movie. Donovan sprawls on the floor and takes a nap. I take Daelyn to put him down for his nap; Donovan kennels himself for HIS afternoon nap. When Daelyn gets up, he runs around the house with Donovan chasing him, both of them shrieking with excitement. Just two toddlers enjoying each other.

The problem is, they're always complaining about each other. Daelyn screams that Donovan is jumping up on him. Donovan yelps because Daelyn is teasing him. Several times a day, I'm separating the two of them and sending each of them into their own corners.

Deanna wanted a little sister when I got pregnant with Daelyn. She was sure God was going to give her a sister to spoil and do girl-things with. Instead, we got Daelyn - a VERY boyish boy. Sissy's grieved her lack of females in the house. I work hard at spending quality time with her practicing the feminine arts (such as SHOPPING), but I can't substitute for a baby sister. She treats Daelyn sometimes as if he were her sister. She puts makeup on him and dresses him in her dress-up dresses. He's still young enough that he's willing to play girl-things to spend time with Sissy. But this season won't last forever.

Then we got the puppy. Sissy tries to treat him like a little sister, as well. She wants to hold him all the time and snuggle him. Donovan is extremely snuggly, but only when HE wants to be. He won't be forced to cuddle when he wants to run and play. She gets bitten quite often instead of the snuggling she desires because she tries to force it.

I got a lovebug companion, Dane got his sugar-pup, Daelyn got the brother he wanted and Deanna got another boy in the family. Poor Sissy. Everybody got exactly what they wanted except her. She loves Donovan and is thrilled with him, but he can't replace a little sister. She has to settle for Mom.

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