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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Beginning of Summer

Today was really the first day of summer. Since yesterday was a holiday, today was the first day the children would have been in school, if it hadn't been for them getting out of school last Friday. We slept in late, then they went to a friend's house to play while I went to an appointment. This afternoon, Dane and Deanna each played with friends while Daelyn took his nap and I worked on some projects that have to be done by tomorrow evening. Late dinner, late bedtime, tired, tired, tired.

But happy. My babies are home, albeit very little today. It felt good in the house today - full of life and activity.

The beginning of many more to come this busy summer. YAY!! Summer is here!!!


Anonymous said...

too bad that when we get older and have to get a job we don't get summers off. How Sad! Unless you're a teacher.

Colette said...

Hey, I'm backup....take a look!!!

Mom said...

Hey Patti. Haven't been here in a while. How are you?