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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tooth problems

I tried to write yesterday, but Blogger seemed to be doing goofy things and never would come up. So I abandoned the idea of yesterday and am attempting posting today.

Over a year ago, I was trying to open a bottle and used my teeth to assist the process. Don always tells me and the kids that teeth were meant for chewing - nothing else - but I did it anyway and paid the price.

I have several adult teeth that are missing. My father has 4 missing teeth, my mother has 3. I inherited all 7. Three of them were wisdom teeth, so that was no big loss. My dentists over the years were able to save two baby teeth, but they were smaller than the adult teeth, so they put bonding material over them to make them larger. Bonding material can't exactly match tooth enamel in its opaqueness, so then my front teeth didn't match the ones on either side. The end result was the dentist bonded both of my front teeth with a coating of bonding material that matches the other teeth.

In the bottle accident, the bonding chipped off on one of my front teeth. Although my natural tooth is showing up underneath, it's a different color and it looks like a chipped tooth. I look like a hick.

Unfortunately, the process of having this redone is expensive and timely and my dentist doesn't work on Fridays. Don is home on Fridays so I could leave Daelyn with him to get my dental work done, but HE DOESN'T WORK ON FRIDAYS. What kind of business doesn't work on Fridays? For two years now, I've looked like a country bumpkin with missing teeth in the front.

We had to go to Homecoming at my parents church while looking like that. I used to be the Youth Director there and they were honoring past staff members, so I was singled out. Of course, the accident happened the night before Homecoming.

Lots of other events have taken place with my teeth in this condition. I got a call earlier this week from a lovely young woman who was one of the teens in my Youth Group. She's getting married in September to a young man who was also in the Youth Group. They're in their late 20's and have dated on and off since high school. I put the date on my calendar and then made a mental note that "the tooth" MUST get repaired before the wedding.

In the meantime, I try real hard to smile with my lips shut. No open-mouth pictures for me. At least until the dentist starts working on Fridays.

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