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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sprained, not Broken

I had some business to take care of on Thursday at the school, so I decided to stop by and pick up Daelyn. Then I drove around to an office where I needed to copy some papers that borders the Elementary playground. As I drove into the parking lot, I noticed children out playing - I had hit it right at recess time. I began looking for Dane and Deanna. Dane, as usual, was playing soccer with some of his friends. I couldn't see Deanna but, as I parked and got out of the van, I noticed the P.E. teacher who's also the Elementary Administrative Aid leaning over a child. As she moved to the side, I noticed the child looked like Deanna. I headed out onto the playground to get a better look. Just then, I noticed Deanna's teacher approaching and leaning over the child. I took off at a run and, sure enough, it was my Deanna. The teacher stood up and was saying something just as I approached, then saw me and said, "And here she is now."

Deanna was crying and, as soon as she saw me, got visibly upset. The P.E. teacher turned to tell me what happened.

"Deanna was running and turned her ankle," she explained. "It might be broken. She can't put any weight on it."

"Mama," Deanna added, "I heard a pop!" Her ankle was obviously hurt and was already beginning to swell.

The problem was how to get her across the playground and into the van. Her teacher suggested that I pull the van through the playground. As I ran to collect the van, I heard someone calling and turned around to see the son of Deanna's teacher and the P.E. teacher carrying her in an arm cradle. I got her situated in the van with Daelyn, then ran into the office to try and make arrangements for Dane to be picked up after school.

We took off for the pediatrician who sent us for X-rays. No break, thank goodness, but a severe sprain. Her doctor told us to limit her mobility, wrap her ankle, ice it down, keep it elevated, and give her Ibuprofen round-the-clock to decrease the swelling.

We've been following all of his directions faithfully, but Deanna's ankle is pretty badly bruised and still hurting. This is the same foot where she had the plantars wart cut out TWICE (very painful surgeries both times with no deadening) and which she broke a year and a half ago.

The family joke is that she has inherited the bad left ankle of her mother. I have a hole in my ankle, due to an old motorcycle accident, that causes frequent problems for me.

I'd be happy if she inherited my eye color and even my hair color, but I'm not thrilled I want her inheriting weak body parts. We're praying that, in this area, she's not like her mother.

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