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Friday, October 19, 2007

Sure Enough

Dane has strep, too. What else could I have expected?

His appointment was at 2:30. As we were sitting in the Waiting Room, with him and Daelyn laying down at opposite ends of the red bench, he said,

"Mama, I'm going to throw up - right now!"

I ran for the counter and told them. His nurse was at the opposite end of the front office and yelled to me to take him back. I grabbed the boys and ran for the door, trying to get him into a treatment room and over a garbage can.

He never threw up, thank goodness, but got a terrible case of the shakes. I went through the cabinets that are clearly marked, "Staff only" and found a paper gown that I laid over him to warm him up a little.

When his doctor gave us the diagnosis, Dane moaned.

"I guess he's not going to the Cub Scout camping trip at the Air Show," I remarked.

"What?" his doctor asked. "Does he have plans this weekend?"

I explained the situation, that Dane and Don were supposed to go camping on the air field where a show is taking place this weekend with the Cub and Boy Scouts. For the last two years, our friend, Ken, has gone, and Dane has been waiting for this year, when he could go, also.

"He CAN go," Dr. Miller said. "He's only contagious for 24 hours so, by tomorrow afternoon, he'll be out of the woods. Get two doses of antibiotic in him today - one now and another before bed, and he should feel way better by tomorrow afternoon. I think you can plan on going, Dane."

I was amazed. Dr. Miller is very conservative, so I know it really MUST be okay. Dane was ecstatic.

I talked with Don when we got home and we decided to do a variation on the theme. There's a forecast for bad weather and, with Dane just getting over strep, I'm not sure I want him camping in the mud and rain. Plus, we're having a surprise birthday party in our backyard for my father on Saturday. I was a little concerned about having wet sleeping bags and a wet tent, not to mention muddy clothes, coolers, etc., to have to clean just as my party guests are arriving on Saturday. So . . . Dane and Don are going to follow the scout leaders' van to the air field today after school and stay until bedtime, then come home and spend the night in their own beds, dry and cozy. Then, tomorrow morning, they'll head back out to the air field to spend the day or, at least, until time for Grandpa's party.

I think it's a great compromise for a boy who was laying on the doctor's treatment table yesterday afternoon, shivering and moaning about needing to throw up.

It's amazing how quickly children heal. Sure wish I could bottle that. Most of us older folks could use it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad! We have been praying for Dane.

- Kelly