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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Kind of Teeth...

... can you get for a dollar? Buck teeth.

Which is what Dane's beginning to look like. He lost one front tooth sometime ago. The new one had almost totally grown back in. Finally, he lost the other front tooth. It was very strange to see this child walking around with either a gap up front or different size teeth for months on end. But the second front tooth has finally grown to full size.

The problem? The two front teeth point at different angles. It's really bizarre. I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like this before, except on those fake hillbilly teeth you can buy.

One front tooth points decidedly down, the other decidedly out. Everytime he smiles his sweet smile at me, I have to stifle a grimace. Why hasn't the dentist noticed this disparity?

Dane has a dental appointment in a couple of weeks to get sealants. Maybe then I can discuss the dollar teeth that cost untold thousands with the doctor.

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