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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Exhausting sickness

Dane's still feeling puny. I took him to the doctor today to be sure it wasn't strep again. Once last year, the school called me because Dane threw up at school. I went to pick him up and noticed he had a rash on his body. The combination of rash and vomiting scared me, so I took him to the Pediatrician. Surprise! He had strep throat and scarlet fever although he had never complained of his throat hurting. I learned a hard lesson about Dane - watch him like a hawk and ALWAYS suspect he has more than meets the eye.

So we made a trip to Dr. Miller. Dane lay on the bench in his waiting room, rolling from side to side with a bucket pressed against his face, crying and moaning. He was pretty pitiful. I finally asked if they could go ahead and put us in a treatment room for the sake of the other patients in the waiting room.

No strep this time, just a virus. Dane was a sad case and Dr. Miller felt bad for him. But he said I could give him Tylenol for the cramping and he should feel better in a day.

We were laying in my bed snuggling and trying to take a nap when Daelyn's carpool dropped him off. I heard the kitchen door open and then Daelyn walking down the hallway on his way to my bedroom. Then he appeared at my side.

"Take off your backpack, son, and climb in here next to me so I can snuggle you," I suggested.

Daelyn dropped his backpack to the floor and began kicking off his shoes.

"Wow, Mom, it was an exhausting day!"

You're five, son, and only in school until 1 p.m. If you think this is exhausting, wait until you're a parent with a sick child who never sleeps.

I guess everything's relative - and my relative was exhausted today.

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