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Friday, October 07, 2005

Avon Calling

The children had their school pictures this past Tuesday. I'm always happy to get them out of the way at the early part of the school year while their beginning-of-school haircuts still look nice and the new clothes I bought them for the Fall actually fit.

The only problem was, Dane had a black eye. On Saturday, our friend that kept them for us over the weekend, took them to a Potluck Supper. The home of the people hosting the Potluck had a huge trampoline that stayed pretty packed with kids throughout the supper, according to Deanna. Dane and one of his closest friends, Conor, collided and Conor's head connected with Dane's cheekbone and eye-socket, leaving a great shiner behind. We were all quite proud of his war wound until Monday night, when I realized he was going to have to have his school picture taken looking like the mutt from the Target ads.

"Oh, my goodness," I commented. "Dane, I'm going to have to put makeup on your eye tomorrow morning."

"Didn't you have to do that last year, too?" asked Deanna.

I was quite sure Dane had never had a black eye before, but something about putting makeup on Dane rang a bell (it's not like I slather my children in makeup often).

I finally remembered. Sure enough, last year he had a huge blue and purple knot on his forehead for picture day. I had pulled out the makeup then, too.

I'm expecting L'Oreal to call at any moment asking for the advertising rights to his school pictures.

P.S. I'm doing much better today. Lots of prayer and some rest can do amazing things for a downcast spirit.


Jan said...

So glad to hear that today is a better day for you. Praying the trend continues. God is faithful.

Mom said...

If the pics turn out bad there's always re-take day. :)

Black eyes are just another memory of childhood.
Here is a story of mine about a trampoline. When I was 12 I wore braces on my teeth, like almost everyone else. I was jumping on a trampoline and more people kept getting on until eventually there were too many. But we kept on jumping and bouncing into each other. Someone was bound to fall or get hurt. That someone was me. I fell over and on the way down, banged my teeth into the metal springs. Knocked off the two front braces. I suppose if the braces weren't there then I'd have knocked out my teeth themselves! I reckon that was a blessing in disguise.