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Monday, October 31, 2005

Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Deanna spent most of the weekend on the loveseat in the Den with her foot elevated. I wanted her to stay off it so it would get a good start healing before school this morning. I tried to spend as much time as possible with her so she wouldn't feel too alone or isolated. I brought her meals to her on a TV tray and would sit in the same room with her, leaving Don to keep the boys in line at the table.

Sometime over the weekend, we had turned on the television, looking for something good in a house with no cable. One of the major networks was running a program about Evangelical Christians reported by Tom Brokaw. Deanna and I watched about half of it before I got pulled away to do other things.

The question being raised on the program was whether or not the Evangelical Movement had too much influence on politics and the political process, including access to the President and his Aides. They interviewed an Evangelical Pastor of a mega-church. He said in his interview that he was due at the White House in 3 hours for his weekly meeting. When asked by Mr. Brokaw what was on the agenda for this meeting, he said, "Whatever they want to talk about. They don't tell me before hand. I just show up and do my best to answer their questions."

A number of congregation members were interviewed, as well. One young woman and her husband were asked about their opinions regarding the Evangelical Movement and its impact on politics. The woman responded that our country was in a season of Revival and Americans were searching for something that made sense. They found that "sense" in churches. She also said that she believed it was time for "the people" to take back politics - for Christians everywhere to become involved, not just sit at the sidelines letting non-Christians determine the direction of the tide.

I was floored by this special. Of course, Tom Brokaw also interviewed a Jewish family that felt very uncomfortable with the "pushyness" of the Evangelicals and complained about brochures being put on cafeteria tables about the movie, "The Passion of the Christ". They had very strong opinions all based on the idea of separation of Church and State.

I realize I didn't see the program in its entirety, and Christians may have been slammed later in the show, but what I saw made a strong case for Christians everywhere to actively involve themselves in the politics of our country. Our laws have been shaped and our morality dictated by the media and liberals for FAR TOO LONG!!! Thank God the President meets with Evangelicals. Thank God the White House looks for Godly men that can advise them. Thank God college campuses are full of flyers for thought-provoking, gut-wrenchingly truthful movies. Thank God not all Christians want the laws of their country decided by and their state governments run by wimps who are more concerned about the likes of Hollywood than the likes of Heaven. Thank God for this Revival in our country.

On Saturday, while out running some errands, I passed an attractive, older man dressed in loafers, a nice sweater, and Dockers standing on a corner where the Bypass exits onto a major road. He was holding up a large sign that said, simply: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and repent..., then will I heal their land." There were no "support people" standing beside this man. There was no white van covered with signs and blaring from a loudspeaker, "Repent or die." There was just a simple, well-dressed believer who felt he had a responsibility to his country and his Lord, and was doing his part.

We should all pick up signs and stand on the street corners - if not physically, then figuratively.


Jan said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Sometimes it isn't the lack of desire to take a stand for Jesus, but the lack of know-how. If I don't really have any convictions how can I take a stand for anything? This call is becoming more and more difficult in a world in which 'political correctness' is the trend. How do you stand for something when you know you will be called a bigot, homophobic, narrow-minded, or intolerant?
Yet, taking a stand is the most important thing we Christians in the Western Hemisphere need to do. Or, like the verse says, " If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all." Isaiah 7:9

Mom said...

Hey Patti, I have a book here written by former governor candidate of Florida Ken Connor called "Sinful Silence"
It is all about Christians and their responsibility to be involved in civics. (politics) It is a great book, and Ken is a great man, I have personally had dinner with him at a banquet and my Father in Law worked with him on his campaign.
"Sinful Silence. When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty" by Ken Connor and John Revell
It's a fairly short book, easy to read.

Mom said...

For you Patti, and anyone else too.
The book I was talking about.

Patti Doughty said...

Thanks for all the comments. Jan, seeing that man on the street corner, amazingly, was a wake-up call for me. Daniel, I'm going to check out that Blog as soon as I get a chance - maybe this weekend.

And, Talli, the book sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, I never get time to read anymore. See my Post from today and you'll understand.