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Thursday, October 20, 2005

A Night to Remember

Daelyn came and sat in my lap this evening after his bath. It was time for him to go to bed - he and Dane had played with toys in the tub for quite some time and, by the time they were dried off and dressed for bed, it was time.

Before I arrived in the bathroom, Daelyn had managed to dump half the bottle of liquid soap into the running water. The result was a bubble bath to end all bubble baths. Of course, Dane was quick to inform me that his brother was the culprit, not him.

So here was Daelyn now, snuggling in my lap in his jammies, all clean and fresh. I leaned down to his head and kissed him, inhaling at the same time. His hair smelled like "Ocean Breeze". It was soft and smelled good, and I held him close. He turned his head sideways and smiled up at me, reaching around to tug on my ear. I smiled back.

"Mommy," he said, "you're my best mommy." Somehow, those three little words "my best mommy" meant everything to me. Daelyn is quite a character but he also has a huge capacity for love.

I hope I will always feel this way about him. I know that his teen years will hold challenges and struggles, but I pray that these emotions that I feel tonight will always be a memory barely below the surface and easy to recall.

My sweet, precious children - they're little for such a short time. His biggest concern in life these days is whether or not I'm taking him and one of his friends to the park to play. Someday, issues like what college to attend or what to do with the rest of his life will be his concerns.

If I'm a good mother, perhaps even during the teen and college years, there will be days where his biggest concern will be going to the park with a friend. I sure hope I'm invited.

Time is short. Love is precious. Enjoy them both.

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