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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Early Waking

Daelyn’s been waking up early, around 5:30, each morning. I hear his little, squeeky voice talking, talking, talking. Don gets up between 4:30 and 5:00 on weekdays. He likes to be at work (a 45 min. drive) by 6:30 and still fit in his prayer time, shower, breakfast, etc. Lately, he’s been having trouble getting up and often doesn’t leave until 6:00 or 6:30. But, regardless of what time he leaves, Daelyn’s up to tell him goodbye.

Don’s gotten used to this and gets out the cereal box every morning for his little guest. They eat together and Daelyn chats about whatever’s on his mind - HIS time with Daddy. No one’s up yet but him and his father.

I find this all somewhat amazing. Daelyn, a three year old, decided on his own that he needed more time with his father so he sets his little internal clock to rise before Daddy leaves. It took us a couple of weeks to figure this out. At first, I just thought he was outgrowing his afternoon naps. But we finally figured out that it has nothing to do with how tired he is - he drags himself out of bed, yawning, and then returns to bed when Daddy’s gone. Or, rather, climbs in my bed, pouncing on me and talking until I finally force myself awake. Several times, Don’s put him back to bed in his own bed and he’s slept until much later. It’s a shame I can’t convince him to do this every day.

This has all been going on for about 3 weeks now. Last Thursday, when I was tucking Daelyn in at bedtime, I said, “You know, son, Daddy’s off tomorrow. He’ll be home all day. You can get up whatever time you want and he’ll still be here so you can have breakfast together.”

“Okay, mom,” he said, “I’ll just sleep in then.”

And doggone it, if that isn’t exactly what he did. He didn’t roll out of the bottom bunk until 7:30 - just in time to eat with his siblings (and Daddy, of course) and dress so he could walk with us to school. I was shocked. Don thought it was right funny.

“Don’t you remember?” Don asked. “One of the other children used to get up with me when they were little.”

I thought back, tapping into a vague memory. Sure enough, when Deanna was about 9 months old, she unexpectedly started waking at around 5:00 a.m. Don always left before she was up in the morning and didn’t get home from work until she was already fast asleep. The only time they had together was on weekends. I was just starting to get concerned about their relationship when she began waking early every morning.

At first, as with Daelyn, I thought this was the beginning of a new season with her. But, when the weekend rolled around and she slept until 8:00 every morning Don was home, we began to get the picture. She must have either sensed him moving around or heard his particular noises and had conditioned herself to wake to that movement or those sounds so she could see her daddy. She would sleep soundly through me waking and moving around. It was only Don’s movements that awokened her in the mornings. She would squeek and wiggle (Deanna never cried) until he got her up and then she’d sit in his lap while he had his prayer time and ate breakfast, poking him in the eyes, giving him lots of kisses, and pulling on his mustache. She was spending time with him the only way a 9-month old knows how.

These children just recognize their need for their daddy and having time with him just to themselves. I wish I had some time with him just to myself. But I’m thankful Deanna had Daelyn have made that connection with their Daddy.

This morning, Daelyn must have been exhausted, because he slept right through Daddy’s morning routine. When I went in the boys’ room to wake Dane, Daelyn was snoring. He came out a few minutes later with his clothes in hand looking very trouble.

“Mama,” he started, in a whiny voice, “I didn’t get to have breakfast with Don Doughty this morning. He already left for work.”

I thought this time together was bringing them closer but it seems this man living in our house has moved from “Daddy” to “Don Doughty”. Not sure what that means, but at least Daelyn’s being gentlemanly about it.


Anonymous said...

That is really cute. I liked the way he called his dad by his name. It could be like us saying to God, Good Morning Dad, but then sometimes we say Father or God Almighty. Which He is all, but just how we feel is how we address Him.
Again, really cute though.

Patti Doughty said...

Bomba, did you get your Tag?