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Friday, October 21, 2005

Three-day Weekend

Ah! A three-day weekend. Endless possibilities spread out before me. Don's off work today and the children got the day off school. We can do anything we want - family-time galore. All of us together for THREE WHOLE DAYS! It's like a mini-summer.

And - we have nothing to do this weekend. We can choose to spend our time anyway we want. Except, of course, that Dane has soccer practice today from 4-5, I have a commitment at 5, we're having a dinner guest at 6, and, around the same time, Deanna's Aunt and Cousin are picking her up to take her to dinner and shopping - a late birthday surprise. Tomorrow morning, Don and I have a meeting to discuss the Festival we've been asked to help with at 10, I have a prayer vigil that I do each week at 11, we're meeting a group of our Team Members at my children's school at 4 to go over details for our Colonial America booth. On Sunday morning we have church and today I've made plans for the kids and I to go the Chuck E. Cheese with some friends after I get my allergy shot at 9:00. But, other than that, our weekend's free and clear.

Hmmh. Maybe not quite as empty as I thought. At least I have the normal school hours to spend with my children. And, since we have three nights this weekend instead of just one, we ought to be able to fit in a family movie night. I checked a movie out of the library for us to watch with the kids along with 12 books for Dane, one for Daelyn, and 5 for Deanna. We ought to have time this afternoon to read together and get a good start, if not also a finish, on Dane's Book-It for the month. He has to read 10 books to get a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.

Wrought with possibilities. Time with the children. Time for them to watch cartoons. Time to sit on the couch, read books, and snuggle. Time to play with friends at Chuck E. Cheese.

I can't wait to get started on the weekend. The children already have - in front of the TV in their pajamas watching PBS cartoons while eating Bojangles Cinnamon Biscuits. See what I mean? Absolutely WROUGHT with possibilities.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Well, have fun. Last Friday was our schools teacher planning day, so I had my two kids during school hours. Reminded me of summer.