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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Not as Bad as Job

For years, when I came under a spiritual attack, it was through my health. I'd get seriously sick at the most inopportune times. Once, the night before leaving for a retreat in the mountains, my back went out. I couldn't sleep, couldn't walk, and was in terrible pain.

After I got married and had children, attacks were through the children's health. It's pretty hard to make it to church or some other important function when your baby has a temperature of 104.7 or your young daughter is violently throwing up everytime she opens her mouth.

Lately, my attacks have been through relationships. Just when life seems to be going along swimmingly, the bottom will drop out in some relationship of mine. Sometimes it's my family, other times it's friends. The last month, it's been all of the above. It wouldn't be much of an attack if there was only one relationship out of sorts. It has to be enough pressure to build up my stress levels to the bursting point. This week, I've had several bursting points.

I've had some difficulties with a dear friend, Deanna's been VERY out of sorts, and a miriad of other problems have arisen, all at the same time. Don has been so supportive. He tries to defend me and, I'm certain, is praying for me.

Some of these issues are a result of the retreat Don and I attended this past weekend. I really believe we both grew in holiness and the evil one is not happy with that. So, he's trying every trick in the book to pull me under.

He WILL NOT SUCCEED. Jesus Christ is Lord and he is the ruler of all. My Lord will win the victory in each of these situations. I must just endure and pray, pray, pray.

Things haven't gotten as bad for me, yet, as they did for Job. For that, I can be extremely grateful.


Mom said...

Well, I am at loss for words.
I go through these "attacks" as well at times. I just do the best I can at doing what I think is the right thing. Never let the devil get you down.

One thing though, as far as friends go, sometimes friends can be "fair-weather" friends. Some people just can't handle tough times. Others just take out their problems on other people. Good luck to you. You are amazing.

Jan said...

Patti, I know just how you feel. Spiritual attack has often come to my family too when God has been working in our lives and drawing us closer to Him. Satan knows just when to attack, trying to steal our joy in our growing faith.
He attacks me too in the areas you've mentioned, or sometimes it's more subtle. Often he attacks me through my emotions - like yesterday when I talked in my post about every area of my life feeling like a battle field.
In my humble opinion, the best resource at times like these, is prayer, and battening down the hatches to weather the storm,knowing that God has made you stronger than anything the evil one can send your way. Oh, and using the armor He talks about in Ephesians 6 - holding high your shield of faith, and battling the enemy with the truth of His Word.
I'm praying for you today, for healing in this wounded relationship, and having the other situations find some resolution.

Patti Doughty said...

Thank you both so much. I think I just need lots of encouragement right now. While I know the truth that God never allows us to go through anything he hasn't prepared us for, sometimes knowing is not the same as feeling.

In a week's time, we'll be through these crises and life will smooth out. I just have to hold fast to the Lord and his promises in scripture and, as Jan said, batten down the hatches.

Thank you both for your concern and support.

Jan said...

Isaiah 46:4 " I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

Psalm 59:16 "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble."

Anonymous said...

We are called to encourage one another! So I encourage you today and pray strength over your life that you will OVERCOME; because we are all overcomers.